Minnesota Inference Assessment (MIA)

MIA is a digital measure of inference processes in a non-reading context. MIA uses age-appropriate nonfiction videos, accompanied by multiple choice inferential questioning to assess inference skills in pre- and early readers in grades K-2.

MIA addresses limitations inherent in other measures of inferential processes in comprehension contexts for early elementary school students.

MIA’s moment-by-moment evaluation is uniquely informative. Traditionally, reading comprehension has been assessed after students engage with a text. This provides little insight into the actual inferencing during comprehension, the very processes that determine the success or failure in comprehension. MIA assesses inferential processes during reading to better assess this skill.

MIA does not depend on decoding, and is video-based instead.

MIA is brief (15-20 minutes), easy, and efficient to administer. MIA was developed to be a functional, digital assessment with fully automated test administrations, analytics, and score reports. This can help teachers make informed, data-based decisions regarding their students' needs.

MIA offers two Pre/Post parallel forms to evaluate the effectiveness of ELCII or TeLCI instruction.